Questions tagged [android]

For questions related to testing Google's Android operating system.

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0 votes
2 answers

Count all elements with the specific resource ID on the scrollable view

Here is the question. How can I count all the elements with the resource ID body_bubble on a scrollable view ? When I use the driver.findElements ( ("body_bubble")).size() method, it gets only ...
0 votes
1 answer

Android studio emulator problem

When I try to start my emulator I receive the following: 20:09 adb server version (32) doesn't match this client (39); killing... 20:09 could not read ok from ADB Server 20:09 * failed to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Different context name for webview in Hybrid Android App test through Appium

While testing Hybrid android app in Appium, a change of context from NATIVE to WEBVIEW is expected. But, the name of the WEBVIEW context does not remain same at all instance of testing. However, it is ...
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1 answer

Switching to webview fail in Android on Mac OS

I have a problem while switching from native view to webview in Android while testing on MAC OS. But the same scripts works fine in windows. In Mac it gives chrome not reachable as a webdriver ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to auto scroll Appium Server Console log at bottom

Problem : I used to view/analyze Appium server Console logs during any test cases execution. But the problem is Appium server console always Auto scroll to top which result hiding latest logs. I have ...
0 votes
2 answers

Device emulator-5554 is not online - while executing my appium code on android emulator

[Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. (Original error: unknown error: Device emulator-5554 is not online Im getting above error when at the middle of the test ...
0 votes
1 answer

Appium version issue

I am confused to see what Appium version is installed on my machine. If I look into Appium UI it shows Appium v1.22.3 but When I check from cmd it shows 2.0.0-beta.71. how do I know which one is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Android: testing location on device cloud

Is there any mobile cloud testing service for Android offering enhanced location capabilities? My requirements are: Playback of recorded GPS/location data GPS data needs to be provided as 'real' data,...
4 votes
1 answer

uiautomatorviewer not running on Mac Big Sur

I'm trying to run uiautomatorviewer on Big Sur and I'm getting this error java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.internal_new_GC(Unknown Source) at org.eclipse.swt....
0 votes
1 answer

When I run my Appium script I am getting error "TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]" which I am not able to understand

I wrote a script to automate my app using appium with java-script(nodejs), but when I run it I am getting error. This is the code which I have written. var webdriverio = require('webdriverio'); var ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to extract adb dumpsys response for validation?

I need to validate few status of the android device. Can any one let me know how to extract the information from adb dumpsys and validate the responses using Java. Your help is much appreciated. Ex: '...
2 votes
1 answer

Appium stuck after context change from native to webview

I am testing a Hybrid Android app - Tubemate in Appium. I'm using the following configuration: selenium-java = version 3.0.1 appium java-client = version 4.1.2 chromedriver = version 2.19 Android = ...
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0 answers

Appium Android: How to click on Spannable Text?

just posting the same question posted on Stackoverflow: I have a screen that contains a TextView, the text ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to choose hardware for testing computationally intensive Android software?

I work on mathematical modelling software, which runs on a variety of platforms. The product is a library, not an app. For Android, I've found it easiest to re-use the command-line test harness that's ...
1 vote
0 answers

Testing Android app built for arm64

So far, I've been able to deploy and test Android applications on Android Emulator on my PC. This was possible because both APK was built for x86 architecture and my Ubuntu is running on x86 PC. Now, ...
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0 answers

Android Samsung S21 - Changing region to test localized date formats

I am attempting to determine if the app code doesn't handle localized date format: Example in USA MM/DD/YYYY in Australia DD/MM/YYYY. I've change my language to English Australia and my Timezone to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

For Android testing (using Java), is it better to have Accessibility IDs put in, or will Element IDs or just "id" suffice?

An Android app to be automated tested has no Accessibility IDs (aka element's content-desc attribute) whatsoever. I'm hearing that it would be good for the developers to put this in, but I've also ...
2 votes
1 answer

Differences between Resource ID, TestID, Element ID, ID, and Accessibility ID?

This info is so scattered across some of my searching. However, I'd like to get the community's knowledge on this. Especially for the purposes of locating elements in code (Appium, testing Android app,...
6 votes
2 answers

Load testing web service with SoapUI to confirm android app's slowness

The AUT is on Android platform, which has experienced slowness or long time loading a section's contents (more than 17s). I can notice the app only has long time loading the first time I enter that ...
3 votes
6 answers

how do i make the case to management for QA to get a new android for testing the mobile platform?

Right now we only have the Sprint HTC Hero and I feel there is a need for a more recent model of android for QA testing our mobile platform. So, how do I make the case to management for QA to get a ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can we mass download apks from Google Play and/or other stores for testing?

We are developing an android app that is using some PackageManager queries. We would like to test it on a wide range of APKs. We were thinking if we could get these from Google Play and/or other ...
6 votes
6 answers

Unable to launch uiautomator in mac terminal

I am unable to launch uiautomator through mac terminal. I get the below error when I typed Android or Uiautomator in the terminal, or click uiautomator from tool folder. ERROR Djava.ext.dirs=/Users/...
2 votes
2 answers

Windows + Android emulator : How to fix "No internet/Internet not working for android emulator" on windows 10?

Issue I am facing : I have created new AVD from Android Studio (AVD Manager) but the emulator does not have internet. I tried opening still "No Internet Connection" displayed. If ...
1 vote
1 answer

testing of android apps via web

What tools allow manual testing of android apps (apks) without installing google android emulator, and with low latency (where low is defined as no more than 4x slower than google emulator)? The ...
3 votes
6 answers

How to locate or write Xpath for an element of an Hybrid app which has only class and no other attribute

I am new to mobile automation and Appium and unable to find a way to get xpath or locate an element, getting following node details in uiautomatorviewer: index:0 text: resourceid: class: android.view....
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to launch uiautomatorviewer in mac os Big Sur

I recently updated my Mac OS to Big Sur. After that uiautomatorviewer is not working. Before Big Sur, uiautomatorviewer use to work. I am getting the below error: /Users/xxxx/Library/Android/sdk/tools/...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot find an element with Xpath in Appium

I'm new to Appium. Sorry if the question is duplicated, but I did not find the solution. I have a problem - I cannot locate an element using Xpath, but I have no problems locating it using the ID ...
4 votes
6 answers

Mobile app security testing

I am trying to analyze on "what could be done from testing point of view" for testing a mobile app for (ios & Android) on "Application Security level". Here are the points that I wish to consider ...
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4 answers

Robotium How to click or enter or select a file in Downloads folder on android device to open options

Robotium How to click or enter or select a file in Downloads folder on android device to open options as (Gallery, Image Gallery, Photos, etc) Here is my code: String filepath = "/...
3 votes
5 answers

how to test mobile application which uses wifi connection?

I need to test the application, which was working based on the WiFi signal strength. Is there any application/automation tool to randomize my WiFi signal and check for applications functionality, my ...
1 vote
3 answers

Showing error - "Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement: {ELEMENT=1} " in appium using java

I have below configurations : Javaclient : java-client-5.0.2 Selenium : 3.0.1 Java : 144 Appium v1.4.16 This is my code : package com.metatag.poc; import io.appium.java_client.MobileElement; import ...
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0 answers

tool recommendation to get line coverage against Manual and Automated test cases (offline instrumentation)

Our team uses the traditional method of building new test cases based on the feature requirements and testing them (manually or through automation) and getting them reviewed by the dev and product ...
1 vote
1 answer

Android - Monkey throttling not working as specified

I'm using Monkey to stress test one of my company's Android applications. However, the --throttle switch does not seem to work as specified. For example, I set Monkey to inject an input event every ...
4 votes
1 answer

Appium is get an error "unable to create new remote session"

I'm Working in appium. previously, my code doesn't work in above 5.o When I changed its working fine. android version. driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""...
0 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to monitor the stats of an Android application?

Let's say I've installed an app on my Android phone and I'm using it. Is there any way I could monitor the various activity that the app is doing on the phone and gather stats around it? I'm talking ...
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4 answers

Measure resource intensive actions in a mobile application

While testing a new mobile application we were tasked to analyse performance. We already did some load testing at the backend. However, now we would like to see which API calls take the longest to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Appium(Android Mobile) : Click button using X Y coordinate(if can't find ID or Xpath)?

Appium(Android Mobile) : Click button using X Y coordinate(if can't find ID or Xpath)?
1 vote
0 answers

App crashed when give back action continuously - shared preference error android

I have to do back action continuously, app crashed. It shows: "Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.SharedPreferences android.content.Context.getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String, ...
5 votes
4 answers

Can't find the element of a toast message because it disappears immediately

I am trying to add an assertion on the shown toast message in my scenario, Is there a way to stop the screen to find the element of a toast message?
1 vote
1 answer

How can I test iOS & Android mobile applications using Microsoft Visual Studio?

Here I have some test cases on Microsoft Test Manager (MTM), and those test case I have to execute on a real iPhone device but when I use Run & Record test of MTM to execute test cases its record ...
2 votes
1 answer

Switching to Webview context fails

I was trying to automate tests for a hybrid app, while switching, it only shows name native context. WebView Context is shown as webview_undefined. Set<String> contextNames = driver....
2 votes
1 answer

How to open messaging app during one android app test case is running to fetch otp

How do I open messaging app when test case is running for any other app. Need to fetch OTP from messaging app during a test case is running for my android app. I have tried to create new instance ...
3 votes
2 answers

How can I get the android window size using Java as programming language for android automation testing? [closed]

How to detect the screen size for different android phones? I want the coordinate values like startx, starty, endx, endy. With that I can use the swipe method which takes these coordinates as ...
3 votes
5 answers

Android App testing with appium

I am testing android app using appium. Everything is working fine but I want to know as tester that how can I get below parameters of APK : 1 - app-package 2 - app-activity If you are using appium ...
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2 answers

How to automate testing of Zebra TC75X barcode scanner?

I would like to implement test automation for an app running on a Zebra TC75X device (Android OS). The tricky part is the integrated barcode scanner. The device has a hardware button to trigger a ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can we test performance of a mobile application(both android and IOS)

I need to test the performance of a mobile application. I have used Jmeter tool to test it's services and APIs, but we want to test it's performance in device as well. is there any tool using which we ...
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1 answer

Discriminating between two identical elements when they are both "displayed" and "enabled" but only one is actually visible

I am currently automating tests for a native app and I have some issues with "ghosts" elements. By "ghosts elements" I mean elements that are in the code and technically on the ...
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2 answers

Differences between Android emulators / iOS simulator and real devices for mobile web testing

Are there any differences for mobile web (not native App, not hybrid) testing between emulators/simulators and real devices? There are different 3rd party sites under test that contain our custom in-...
3 votes
3 answers

Android application not launching with Appium

I have downloaded the latest Appium Desktop to inspect the different elements for automating an app. I was able to launch the calculator app on my Android phone but was unable to launch an app that I ...
4 votes
2 answers

GUI Automation testing framework for android games

Is there any test framework which supports android games? I have used UiAutomator2.0 for GUI automation test, but for some games, it is unable to capture screen.