My problem is being unable to enter text in login and password fields in certain page.
I would like to know how to be able to enter text in this situation. I have been able to automate entering text in other pages, so my problem is specific to this certain page.
Background: Using RobotFramework with Selenium2Library to automate tests. The webpage under test is javascript heavy - implemented with GWT using SmartGWT framework.
What I'm doing and getting: I've played with locator a bit, and for the shown example I opened developer tools for chrome, located the field with element inspector and copied it's XPath.
HTLMHTML of SUT: <input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">
<input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">
Line in Robotframework: Input Text //*[@id="isc_T"] ${usernam}
Error message in Robotframework: WebDriverException: Message: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.
I know that the ID:s might change when using GWT, but now I'm testing one version and I'm pretty positive that locator found the right object, but for some reason can not enter the text.