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My problem is being unable to enter text in login and password fields in certain page.

I would like to know how to be able to enter text in this situation. I have been able to automate entering text in other pages, so my problem is specific to this certain page.

Background: Using RobotFramework with Selenium2Library to automate tests. The webpage under test is javascript heavy - implemented with GWT using SmartGWT framework.

What I'm doing and getting: I've played with locator a bit, and for the shown example I opened developer tools for chrome, located the field with element inspector and copied it's XPath.

HTLMHTML of SUT: <input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">

<input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">

Line in Robotframework: Input Text //*[@id="isc_T"] ${usernam}

Error message in Robotframework: WebDriverException: Message: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.

I know that the ID:s might change when using GWT, but now I'm testing one version and I'm pretty positive that locator found the right object, but for some reason can not enter the text.

My problem is being unable to enter text in login and password fields in certain page.

I would like to know how to be able to enter text in this situation. I have been able to automate entering text in other pages, so my problem is specific to this certain page.

Background: Using RobotFramework with Selenium2Library to automate tests. The webpage under test is javascript heavy - implemented with GWT using SmartGWT framework.

What I'm doing and getting: I've played with locator a bit, and for the shown example I opened developer tools for chrome, located the field with element inspector and copied it's XPath.

HTLM of SUT: <input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">

Line in Robotframework: Input Text //*[@id="isc_T"] ${usernam}

Error message in Robotframework: WebDriverException: Message: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.

I know that the ID:s might change when using GWT, but now I'm testing one version and I'm pretty positive that locator found the right object, but for some reason can not enter the text.

My problem is being unable to enter text in login and password fields in certain page.

I would like to know how to be able to enter text in this situation. I have been able to automate entering text in other pages, so my problem is specific to this certain page.

Background: Using RobotFramework with Selenium2Library to automate tests. The webpage under test is javascript heavy - implemented with GWT using SmartGWT framework.

What I'm doing and getting: I've played with locator a bit, and for the shown example I opened developer tools for chrome, located the field with element inspector and copied it's XPath.


<input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">

Line in Robotframework: Input Text //*[@id="isc_T"] ${usernam}

Error message in Robotframework: WebDriverException: Message: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.

I know that the ID:s might change when using GWT, but now I'm testing one version and I'm pretty positive that locator found the right object, but for some reason can not enter the text.

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How to edit field in Robotframework using Selenium2library

My problem is being unable to enter text in login and password fields in certain page.

I would like to know how to be able to enter text in this situation. I have been able to automate entering text in other pages, so my problem is specific to this certain page.

Background: Using RobotFramework with Selenium2Library to automate tests. The webpage under test is javascript heavy - implemented with GWT using SmartGWT framework.

What I'm doing and getting: I've played with locator a bit, and for the shown example I opened developer tools for chrome, located the field with element inspector and copied it's XPath.

HTLM of SUT: <input type="TEXT" name="username" id="isc_T" handlenativeevents="false" $89="isc_TextItem_1" $9a="$9b" spellcheck="true" oninput="isc_TextItem_1.$43g()" onselect="isc_TextItem_1.$1162()" autocomplete="OFF" class="textItem" style="WIDTH:106px;HEIGHT:12px;" tabindex="1545">

Line in Robotframework: Input Text //*[@id="isc_T"] ${usernam}

Error message in Robotframework: WebDriverException: Message: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.

I know that the ID:s might change when using GWT, but now I'm testing one version and I'm pretty positive that locator found the right object, but for some reason can not enter the text.