CoupleA couple of guidelines in addition to above listed-listed items
- Test Steps
- Snapshots for each stepsstep if possible (In case you are working in remote teams, to avoid to-and-fro email communications)
- Expected result vs Actual Result
- Environment Details - OS, Hardware, Software, Build version
- Log fileLogfile entries / valuesvalues
- Nice to have - Preliminary investigation / analysisanalysis with supporting queries / assumptionsassumptions to provide a couple of leads for a developer to check further
- Provide access to the test environment - URLs, Machines for the developer to check in case if needed
- Reference to BRD, FS, Design Document where implementation conflicts design / requirementsrequirements
- Nice to Have - Triage Meeting / Issue Review meeting to run through the bugs once with the development team to provide a quick overview of issues before they start looking into it. F2F conversations are better than email / chat coversationschat conversations sometimes
- Be Descriptive do not use AbbrevationsAbbreviations, No implicit assumptions. Callout your understanding of functionality and how it conflicts with implementation