I am a Test engineer in a company. Recently, I caught a special bug. Here is the bug description.
Process: Send money to a recipient via online banking. Fill in all the required details and Transfer Amount X to the recipient. The problem happens on the submit page.
When I click Submit button on the
confirmation page, the browser window keeps loading for a few seconds(My test environment is slow). Within that duration click on Submit button again. Voila, On the summary page I see the success message two times i.e. "Transaction 1 has been completed successfully" and "Transaction 2 has been completed successfully".
In the database too I see that the amount is debited/credited two times from the respective accounts.
As per my understanding, this is a critical bug.
However, the problem is that this bug is only reproducible on that specific test environment. Development team is unable to reproduce that bug. After discussion between Dev team manager and my manager they decided to abandon the bug.
This bug still bugs me and I feel like raising it to boss of my manager because it is a critical bug. What should I do?
EDIT: The bug was in open state for two weeks before it was abandoned. Both Dev. and Test managers had thorough discussions on this particular bug. Dev team had no clue about how to fix this (It was not a simple fix). The bug was only reproducible in one particular env.