You will have to change the environment based on the parameter from the Gherkin file.
For example:
Given The actor logs in the "environment" environment with "username" and "password".
I do not know how to escape tags in these posts, so change the " with tags.
| firstname | username | password | environment |
| Cam | Newton | 12345dev | DEV |
| Mac | Oldton | 12345stage | STAGE |
Then in the Steps file the implementation will be:
@Given("The actor logs in the ".*" environment with ".*" and ".*"")
public void theGameIsRunning(string environment, string username, string password) {
if(environment == "Dev")
string devUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DevUrl"];
else if (environment == "Stage")
string stageUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StageUrl"];
Every test will be executed but on a different environment.
When you only want to test on Dev or Stage you will have to switch environments in the app.config.