You can write an RSpec test that tries to do this by grepping spec files for the locator names. It will not be foolproof. Some orphans might slip through and the test still passes (falsely). However if the locator is not found anywhere it does indicate an orphan and it will fail the test.
This is based on:
locators being in a
filelocator file format is
name : 'locator_string'
per linespec file having the format
specs in subdirectories are supported (through
)require 'rspec' describe 'Page Objects locator yml file' do it "uses all its locator keys" do locators_file ='locators.yml') pairs = [] keys = [] locators_file.each_line do |line| words = line.split(': ') pairs << {words[0] => words[1]} keys << words[0] end locators_file.close files = Dir.glob("**/*_spec.rb") unused_keys = [] keys.each do |key| @key_used = false files.each {|file| search_file_for_key(file, key) } unused_keys << key unless @key_used end unused_keys_exist = unused_keys.size > 0 if unused_keys_exist p "Unused Page Object keys! Please address these orphans:" p unused_keys end expect(unused_keys_exist).tonot_to be, false lambda {"Failure - orphan page object identifiers #{unused_keys}"} end def search_file_for_key(file, key) spec_file = file_contents = spec_file.close @key_used = true if file_contents.match(/#{key}/) end end