Add an explicit wait after you click your menu and then once the drop-down element is present refer below steps:
Please refer to the above document:
You can use the select class in ruby to achieve this:
select_element = driver.find_element(id: 'couCode')
select_object = Select(select_element)
To select using text:
select_object.select_by(:text, 'URUGUAY')
Using Value:
select_object.select_by(:value, 'UY')
Using index:
select_object.select_by(:index, 1)
NoteIssue with your code:
This also doesn't work, throws exception
options.find_element(:value, "GB").click
There is no element locator called "value" that is supported by find_elemnet method. So you are getting argument error saying :value is wrong.
Below are the only supported locators
:class => 'ClassName',
:class_name => 'ClassName',
:css => 'CssSelector',
:id => 'Id',
:link => 'LinkText',
:link_text => 'LinkText',
:name => 'Name',
:partial_link_text => 'PartialLinkText',
:tag_name => 'TagName',
:xpath => 'Xpath',
THis throws error :
You could make below code work by changing:
options.each { |option| if (option.value == 'GB')}
options.each { |option| if (option.attribute("value")== 'GB')}
Because the option is just a web element and does not contain any method called value. So it throws an error if you call option.value.
This does not work and does throw error also, if country.text == 'UNITED KINGDOM'}
Because it's not an element inside the drop-down, but won't throw any error as syntax is correct.
Prints just comma:
options.each { |a|
puts a.text + ', '
instead of puts a.text + ', '
. Try, puts a.attribute("textContent") +','