Yes, the tool you want to use is Karate.
Here is a 10-thread example I made:
Then, you can install AeroKube Moon to get a free scalable 4-thread Grid cluster. If you want more threads, they are $5/thread/month. This is absolutely the cheapest solution.
Then, once you have that working, it is a simple matter to run the Karate test inside a Gatling test harness. It is about 20-40 lines of code to accomplish that. The reason you want to use Gatling, is because in advanced scenarios, you can run Gatling in a master-slave scenario using the Taurus test harness to control the slave machines which are all generating the load. (Taurus harness is the most advanced way to do it; its similar to using Blazemeter)
NOTE1: Make sure you don't run more load threads than you have available on the Moon cluster.
NOTE2: You can run Karate with a headless-chrome and then you don't really need the Moon Cluster.
Then, you have it.