How the system works (UI) Registration Form > Redirect to Another Page with Products (based on the submitted in the registration form)
(backend) API will check the validity > Valid or not it will push to database > Only Valid will be recorded in our CRM (salesforce)
In TestingWhen testing this manually, we would just usually do it in one flow: Register > Check Redirected in Products Page > Check in Database > Check in CRM
However, in Automated Test, I think of two options right now a
a. One Test (like manual) - this is fastest b
b. Multiple Separate Test - slower, but easier to identify where the test has failed
WasIs there an option C? andAnd how would you organizeorganise it? most
Most of the things I find online are always "IT DEPENDS" or the sample projects I find are too small (only login).
(I'm just starting with automation, automating. Automating is easy but as the Automation Tests are getting bigger and a lot of tests needsneed to be refactored, structures need to be fixed, hierarchy, not sure what to do really)