Personally I think that there are a few key principles.
Tests should, where possible, assume that they have run previously and failed.
Some tests will want to validate a feature, whilst others will need to just "drive through" a feature on the way to test something else.
I can scale out and use many machines, so that I can run a lot of tests in parallel, and I am not time limited on a run.
With those in mind, I would, where possible:
- Have each test generate unique data for itself that does not rely on a previous test passing
- Have the logic for execution separate from validation code
so for your example I would create and execute six separate "objects" for each of your actions:Registering a support ticket, adding a comment, replying to a request for more information, uploading additional information and close a ticket.
Then I would string them together in six test cases as follows:
- Register support ticket and validate
- Register a support ticket, then add a comment and validate
- Register a support ticket, then add a comment, reply with request for more information and validate
- Register a support ticket, then add a comment, reply with request for more information, upload more information and validate
- Register a support ticket, then add a comment, reply with request for more information, upload more information comment that issue is fixed validate
- Register a support ticket, then add a comment, reply with request for more information, upload more information comment that issue is fixed, close and validate
As I test registration 6 times, I would build up a test data object, and use different test data each time so I can test a different scenario each time the registration occurs as well.
So the main "cost" is execution time as I execute 6 long tests as opposed to one (but using open source tools means I can scale out easily) The use of objects means that I don't have lots of duplicated code everywhere. This also means that if the register a ticket part of the application is changed, I only change one object in one place and all the tests keep running.
Here is this approach in code for a single "object" using "Parkcalc".
public void EconomyLessThanOneHour()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "10:59", "AM", "today");
public void EconomyExactlyOneHour()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "11:00", "AM", "today");
public void EconomyMoreThanOneHour()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "11:01", "AM", "today");
public void EconomyJustLessThanOneDay()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "9:59", "AM", "today+1");
public void EconomyExactlyOneDay()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "10:00", "AM", "today+1");
public void EconomyJustMoreThanOneDay()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "10:01", "AM", "today+1");
public void EconomyJustLessThanOneWeek()
Parking.CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType.EconomyParking, "10:00", "AM", "today", "9:59", "AM", "today+7");
And the implementation of CalculateAndVerify ...
namespace Parkcalc.Logical
public class Parking
public static void OpenHome()
public static void Calculate(ParkingType parkingType, string inTime, string inAMPM, string inDate, string outTime, string outAMPM, string outDate)
inDate = Utility.CalculateDate(inDate);
outDate = Utility.CalculateDate(outDate);
Physical.Parking.Calculate(parkingType, inTime, inAMPM, inDate, outTime, outAMPM, outDate);
public static void CalculateAndVerify(ParkingType parkingType, string inTime, string inAMPM, string inDate, string outTime, string outAMPM, string outDate)
Calculate(parkingType, inTime, inAMPM, inDate, outTime, outAMPM, outDate);
Verification.Verify.VerifyResult(parkingType, inTime, inAMPM, inDate, outTime, outAMPM, outDate);
and the next layer down
namespace Parkcalc.Physical
public static class Parking
public static void Calculate(ParkingType parkingType, string inTime, string inAMPM, string inDate, string outTime, string outAMPM, string outDate)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inTime))
Browser.SetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.txtEntryTime, inTime);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inAMPM))
Browser.SetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.rdoEntryTimeAMPM, inAMPM);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inDate))
Browser.SetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.txtEntryDate, inDate);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outTime))
Browser.SetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.txtExitTime, outTime);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outAMPM))
Browser.SetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.rdoExitTimeAMPM, outAMPM);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outDate))
Browser.SetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.txtExitDate, outDate);
public static string GetResult()
return Browser.GetValue(Controls.ParkingCalculator.txtResult);
I have a full working C# example using WatiN here ...
For test data I generally build a data generator and add unique random strings so that there is no data collisions.