I am trying to match the first word in a drop down list with a given string. What is happening is when I am creating a new drop-down name, it is getting updated by some different name, though the first word remains same.
The code I am using is:
public void DeleteStyleGroup()
var StyleGroupName = Driver.Instance.FindElement(By.Name("sgroupnbr"));
var selectelement = new SelectElement(StyleGroupName);
The drop-down field name here is "sgroupbr"
In my Unit test class, the code I am using is:
public class DeleteStyleGroup : ibankTest
public void Delete_Style_Group()
public void ClassInit()
StyleGrp.StyltGroupName("AdrijaTest").Configuration("C3 One Tab").Save();
So the the group name is a method where it tries to find the drop-down name "AdrijaTest", but it is getting updated with some other name like "AdrijaTest 401".
Can someone please help?