How can I switch ON/OFF AIRPLANE mode and wifi using Appium ?

Selenium has below option:

NetworkConnection mobileDriver = (NetworkConnection) driver;
 if (mobileDriver.getNetworkConnection() != ConnectionType.AIRPLANE_MODE) {
   // enabling Airplane mode

But when I create AndroidDriver object and typecast it with above code, getting error that such typecast is not possible.

Any other way ?

  • We do it using a small custom app that appium runs, I don't know why it doesn't work.
    – Rsf
    Nov 15, 2016 at 9:15

5 Answers 5


This helper method will help you to turn on the wifi while your test case is still running:

static AppiumDriver driver;    

public static void wifiOff() throws InterruptedException {
    NetworkConnection mobileDriver = (NetworkConnection) driver;
    if (mobileDriver.getNetworkConnection() != ConnectionType.AIRPLANE_MODE) {
       // enabling Airplane mode

Works for me.


Try using hardware keys. Write the steps to turn it on and off by using hardware buttons.

  • this will only work until the next OS update and change of menu structure
    – Rsf
    Nov 15, 2016 at 9:16

According to the Appium Java API docs you'd do something like this (I haven't tested it):


Note that only the Android driver supports this (not the iOS driver). See Adjusting Network Connection.


Currently you can switch between ON/OFF options of Airplane mode only in Android. There is still no option to do that on iOS. This being said, this is what you would do to enable/disable airplane mode in Android.

((AndroidDriver) DRIVER).setConnection(Connection.AIRPLANE);
boolean connectionStatus = ((AndroidDriver) DRIVER)
if (connectionStatus) {
    //Then do something

In Appium Latest Java client you can do it using To disable Wifi and Data in Android: driver.setConnection(new ConnectionStateBuilder().withWiFiDisabled().withDataDisabled().build());

To enabled WiFI and Data in Android: driver.setConnection(new ConnectionStateBuilder().withWiFiEnabled().withDataEnabled().build());

To Enable and Disable Airplane mode in iOS you can refer below article: Internet Offline Scenario Automation on Android and iOS Mobile App

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