There are lots of thing you need to understand and implement.
1st: are you going to use excel with extenion .xls or .xlsx. If any of them then use the Apache POI jar to read data from excel.
Apache POI majorly have 2 components
- XSSF : which is for .xlsx extension file.
- HSSF : which is for .xls extension file.
Now Create a new function using both object(XSSF and HSSF). Function will be like :
public List< Map<String, String>> getExcelDataHSSF(int startRowNo, int EndRowNumber){}
public List< Map<String, String>> getExcelDataXSSF(int startRowNo, int EndRowNumber){}
This function will return your data in List of Map object. Where Map's key is columnName and Value is: your test data respective to column.
Now, You need to write a function which check the extension of excel file and execute the function
if extension is .xlsx then run function getExcelDataXSSF(1,20) else getExcelDataHSSF(1,20)
After that, Go to your Test file and use TestNG dataprovider to fetch data using above function and pass to you test cases.