I am running Selenium tests (with Protractor) on several browser at the same time to speed up the testing.
Jenkins starts the tests and receives the output in a console. To make things more readable I am figuring out how to show the test results differently. With xunit, html, or another reporter (I am using Mocha as testframework for Protractor). Any tips are welcome here.
The problem: when running test simultaneously on multiple browsers Selenium outputs the used browser and Operating System between the results. Example:
[launcher] Running 13 instances of WebDriver
[chrome ANY #1e]
[chrome ANY #1e] Using the selenium server at
[chrome ANY #1e]
[chrome ANY #1e]
This makes the output less readably. Plus when I choose to print the results those lines are not put between html tags.
Is there a way to hide this information? Or any other ideas on this?