I am running Selenium tests (with Protractor) on several browser at the same time to speed up the testing.

Jenkins starts the tests and receives the output in a console. To make things more readable I am figuring out how to show the test results differently. With xunit, html, or another reporter (I am using Mocha as testframework for Protractor). Any tips are welcome here.

The problem: when running test simultaneously on multiple browsers Selenium outputs the used browser and Operating System between the results. Example:

[launcher] Running 13 instances of WebDriver

[chrome ANY #1e] 
[chrome ANY #1e] Using the selenium server at
[chrome ANY #1e] 
[chrome ANY #1e] 

This makes the output less readably. Plus when I choose to print the results those lines are not put between html tags.

Is there a way to hide this information? Or any other ideas on this?

1 Answer 1


The best option is to not rely on the console for recording your test results.

Jenkins has the ability to output the test results using the JUNIT Plugin. Install the plugin (if it's not already) and then add a post build action and publish as a JUnit test result report.

Or you could use a separate test reporting framework like Allure. Here's an example of how to use Allure.

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