I am going through some examples and some books in relation to Cucumber usage and it looks like @And annotation is never being caught by the regex. I mean it is a valid Gherkin keyword and it is being used in the scenarios but I can see no references to it in the actual code.

Why is that?

2 Answers 2


From The Cucumber Book:

Cucumber doesn’t actually care which of these keywords you use; the choice is simply there to help you create the most readable scenario.

Some people find Given, When, Then, And, and But a little verbose. There is an additional keyword you can use to start a step: * (an asterisk).

So you could write:

Scenario: Attempt withdrawal using stolen card
Given I have $100 in my account
But my card is invalid
When I request $50
Then my card should not be returned
And I should be told to contact the bank


Scenario: Attempt withdrawal using stolen card
Given I have $100 in my account
Given my card is invalid
When I request $50
Then my card should not be returned
Then I should be told to contact the bank


Scenario: Attempt withdrawal using stolen card
* I have $100 in my account
* my card is invalid
* I request $50
* my card should not be returned
* I should be told to contact the bank

To Cucumber, this is exactly the same scenario.


It happens, because @AND keyword is parsed like the keyword prior to it. So, in case your test looks like that

@When user logs in application
@And navigates to landing page

it's similar to the the case below

@When user logs in application
@When navigates to landing page

Actually, I stick to avoid using @AND keywords, because binding mismatch could occur if someone will insert a step which begins from different keyword. E.g.:

@When user logs in application
**@Then check that userpic is displayed**
@And navigates to landing page

In this example @AND keyword will be remapped to keyword @THEN.

  • But, as the accepted answer says, the keywords are irrelevant, so there is no "binding mismatch" even if somebody inserts a step with a different keyword above And.
    – Leponzo
    Commented Feb 14, 2021 at 20:12

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