Im trying to set up cucumber over my page object. I currently have as my login page object:
@FindBy (id = cF.username) public WebElement username;
@FindBy (id = cF.password) public WebElement password;
@FindBy (id = cF.loginButton) public WebElement loginButton;
public websiteProspector_beta doLogin(String myUsername, String myPassword) throws IOException {
logs.InfoDetails("Logging Into Tomcat8- 2092");
try {
and my step description as:
@And("^I log into ao$")
public void i_log_into_ao() throws Throwable {
actonLogin = new actonLogin(driver);
actonLogin.doLogin(cF.loginUsername, cF.loginPassword);
throw new PendingException();
When i run it, it successfully runs the first two steps, however when it comes to an object with @findby, I get this error:
at com.acton.PageObjects.loginPage.actonLogin.doLogin(
at com.acton.cucumber.cucumberSteps.i_log_into_ao(
at ✽.And I log into ao(com/acton/cucumber/login.feature:6)
The reason why I know it's due to the @Findby is because when I change the login page object to use "driver.findelement(By...." it's successful with no errors. is there something im missing?
I am new to cucumber and automation all together, any help i can get is appreciated.