There are a lot of really good books out there for software testing, my favorite book that I have read so far would be Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams by Lisa Crispin, and Janet Gregory here is the amazon book link Click here!
This book covers a lot of really great Agile testing methodologies and material, if you are unaware of Agile testing; I really suggest that you look into it! The industry is really heavy into the idea of agile development and it is a valuable asset to a company to have people who know how to use it effectively.
Here is another link to a list of good software testing books:
For programming books, that is a little more difficult. I would learn what your company is currently using, or technologies that you are interested in and go from there. Usually you need to have a language in mind so you can grab a beginners book an start from there. Personally I started with C# with the book C# Primer Plus by Klaus Michelsen here is the amazon book link Click here!
You didn't specify whether or not the books should be free, so I just suggested what I have used personally. Take a look, and hopefully that answers your question.