I have worked with TestLink for a few years and I don't really understand why it is recommended all over the place.
IMHO, it
- doesn't make test creation easy. In many cases, where I was just asked to create a test, I needed to define a requirement, associate things here and there, create a test plan etc. That is a huge overhead on the test management side for someone who is just asked to perform a test.
- has a bad usability. It doesn't use the power of modern web browsers.
- makes customizing reports hard
- is hard to track changes in tests (version history)
What are the key features of TestLink that makes it so powerful that thousands of testers obviously love it? The TestLink website itself doesn't do good advertisement. It just says "Get it", "Forum" and "Issues". There is no list of key features.
Ok, first of all it's a freeware tool, but then...? How could I first convince myself and then my boss to use TestLink instead of something else?