I am analyzing automation design for an Intranet based web app with a limited user base:
- UI Layer
- Web Service Layer
- DB Layer
My Approach for automation is:
- Web Services layer Test automation
- Similate UI workflows with web services.
- I'm planning to cover 70% of automation with web services workflows
- Remaining 30% of End to End user scenarios from UI, UI Elements displayed, Web Service o/p to UI layer output Compared
Tools I'm planning to leverage:
- SOAP UI for web services / Data Driven Testing
- Selenium for UI Layer verification
- Can SOAP UI be used to test work flows. Output of one web service passed as input to another web service ?
- I would like to know comments / feedback to apply best practices for this approach
- Testing can be performed From UI Results to Web Service output and check are they mapped correctly. In this case as well when web services functionality is core, Result mapping is the only check. I'm hoping verifying fields, values and running basic P1 cases at UI Layer would cover it. Any comments ?