Let's say I have a REST service that allows you to search for rail journeys - and that once you have selected them, you can book them. The endpoint is example.com/service/v1/book, and to create the booking, you use a POST.

Because in reality, when you get to the booking state, the request would require a lot of data, the details of the booking are send as JSON.

For simplicity's sake, let's assume the body just takes the journey legs at the moment:

    "journey" : {
        "type" : "return",
        "outgoing" : {
            "from" : "LON",
            "to" : "NCL"
        "return" : {
            "from" : "NCL",
            "to" : "LON"

Now, for a one-way ticket, that bit would obviously look slightly different, yet the resource (or HTTP method) wouldn't change - it would still be POST example.com/service/v1/book:

    "journey" : {
        "type" : "single",
        "outgoing" : {
            "from" : "LON",
            "to" : "NCL"

The service would have to deal with it slightly differently, though. So, we'd want to test both.

How would you structure that in SoapUI?

I thought you'd create the resource (with the POST method), then create two different test cases, "one-way" and "return".

What I'm not sure of is how I'd then be able to pass the different payloads in? And where they'd be defined...?

  • Are you using Pro or community, I will assume Pro unless and amend my answer if required.
    – ECiurleo
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 10:40
  • The community edition, unfortunately.
    – Christian
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 19:31
  • Updated accordingly. It does mean you will need a case for each route you want to test
    – ECiurleo
    Commented Jan 8, 2016 at 8:28

1 Answer 1


I have working in a not dissimilar industry and had the following setup;

TrainTestSuite (this might be per supplier/operator)



Both would utilize the same endpoint as the Test Suite

Within each test case I would have the following;

  • Properties (containing from and to locations)
  • PropertyTransfer (Transfer values to JsonSingleRQ using xpath)
  • JsonSingleRQ (your JSON request)

Duplicate this for your return journeys (obviously with additional values in the properties). I would suggest to treat them as independent values rather than transferring to opposing targets on the return.

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