The exception is
`WebDriverException: Message: Element is not clickable at point (548.xxxxxxxxx, 2xx.5). Other element would receive the click: <span class="regs2" style="" id="vtASRSettings_incompletetimeoutDiv" onclick="Bs_Objects[5].textboxEdit(true);"></span>`
I have the following HTML code:
<a title="Audio" href="javascript:document.forms[0].action='/PageEditor?ADC_TOKEN=F5TW-I6G7-8Q0Z-WR8A-45QE-ICUX-LCRM-FZJM&command=addSoundFileError&errorType=noSpeech';document.forms[0].submit();">Audio</a>
My script code is
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'Audio')])
Click Link xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'Audio')])
Still faces the same error
used uniquely identifies the same element you intend to click? AlsoOther element would receive the click
exception occurs when another element is overlapping the element you want to click on. Please paste the entire<table>
tag DOM to get an accurate solution.LinkText/PartialLinkText
not work?