I'm building a solo project myself. (Java backend, Java AWT frontend. No lectures about AWT vs swing vs *wt, please :-))
It's fairly straightforward
Primary server - keeps user information Content server - keeps content information Client - the user interface
Client opens up and connects to the primary server. Depending on the content, the connection gets bounced to the proper content server (of course, the primary and content servers do some communication to prepare the authorization of the new client coming in.)
At what point should I be writing tests? I want to balance the testing aspect of it with making progress in development, and I'm not sure what the proper balance of that is. I'm much more concerned about the front end than I am about the back end. I pretty much see the GUI as a simple mechanism for calling back-end functionality with a lot of cool pictures. :-)
Obviously there are paradigms like TDD which would dictate no code is written without a test. But this is just my moonlighting project that I do in my spare time. It's mostly for fun (although I'd love to see a profit off it.)
There's currently between 30-40 classes. There are currently no tests of any kind (unit, functional, integration are what I plan to do eventually.)
How do I know when the right time to stop development and put some tests together is?