I have a Test case in which I logs into the application, then on the Home page there are 7 links and I need to perform testing for all these 7 links by clicking each link and performing a series of actions for each link. I can do this sequentially very easy by clicking on first link then performing all actions related to that link than came back again to the home page and then again click on 2nd link and so on...
But the problem is that testing for each link takes around 10-20 minutes and I want to perform it parallely. and I also can't login same user on two browser instances (Logging the same user again terminates the older session).
So the only way to perform it paralelly is to initialize a Webdriver object, login through it and go to home page, Then create 7 copies of this Webdriver object(say driver1, driver2, driver 3...) and then perform each link testing in a separate browser instance.
But I am having problem how to create copies of an already opened web page and open them?