On the administrator side of a system I have a means of adding a module, each module has its own application path and a the possibility of being a subscription. In short if subscription is true, it will amend the launching URL of the module to add &subType=x (x is whatever I set when enabling the subscription I get another field to populate). Now when I launch this module on the user-side of the system, how can I confirm that this subtype has accurately been added to the call?
Sounds simple enough, however the URL on the user side is heavily encrypted e.g
How can I confirm when one is adding the subType paramater properly? can I use chrome dev console somehow? It's not possible for me to decrypt the url here.
I've tried doing the same setup hoping the encryption would match so I could just add/remove the subscription and the encrypted string would change somewhat, however it seems very heavily randomised each time
Also worth noting, I don't have a means to pass in a valid subType to see something on screen, this is entirely used by a third party and I have no idea what they will use it for or even access to their network if I did.