If anything, it was the reverse of this -- the culture started letting errors and warnings stay in, more and more.
Back in punch card days, access to the punch card machines to read your deck of cards -- program -- was limited, often very expensive, and the deck often had to go through "verifiers," people who looked it over for errors. Even with a lightly loaded system, it could take an hour or more to run a deck, find an error, fix it, and resubmit the deck.
So programmers learned to catch the errors by eye, and never even submit anything that would cause an error.
When I learned to program in the early 1980s, and started work in 1985, punch card days were just about over (I punched and ran one deck -- ever -- as part of the training of student staff for the Bryn Mawr computer center.)
However, mid-career programmers at that time came from that background, and everyone treated warnings with real seriousness -- you simply didn't leave them in, never mind errors. It was a bit of a shock to encounter warnings that did have to be left in -- and you damn well knew, when you did, why you couldn't fix them, and how and why they wouldn't cause problems.
I mean, why have warnings if they don't mean something? And they very often do: WARNING: DO THIS CARELESS DECLARATION AND YOU WILL RANDOMLY OVERWRITE IMPORTANT BITS OF MEMORY. Though IIRC, Visual C++ in the late 1990s started spewing a lot of useless and intractable warnings. I have a vague memory that constructs that generated Visual C++ warnings were considered OK if the Gnu compiler would accept them without warnings.
I still feel that way about warnings. I prefer to test my code incrementally as I go in any case, by pasting it into an interpreter or a test file to compile -- so if a warning pops up, it's usually easy enough to get rid of, then and there.
I believe Henry Ledgard's Programming Proverbs, or his later book, Fortran with Style: Programming Proverbs, recommends knowing your programming language well enough so that you never generate warnings; he had been a punch card programmer. These days, of course, the challenge is tracking which language you're currently using -- wait, is this the one with "else:" or "else {...}"?