I am trying to access a website and run an instance of Selenium Webdriver (chromedriver to be exact) in order to automate/perform some actions (I'm creating an autocheckout bot that can find a product and will automatically purchase it).
pagesDict = {'base': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/',
'tops/sweaters': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/tops_sweaters',
'jackets': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/jackets',
'shirts': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/shirts',
'sweatshirts': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/sweatshirts',
'pants': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/pants',
'shorts': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/shorts',
'hats': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/hats',
'bags': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/bags',
'skate': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/skate',
't-shirts': 'http://www.supremenewyork.com/shop/all/t-shirts'}
category = input("Category:\n Available options:\n shirts, jackets, tops/sweaters, sweatshirts, pants, shorts, hats, accessories, skate")
sauce = urllib.request.urlopen(pagesDict[category])
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'lxml')
For some reason, when I run my bot on a different network than my home one (such as work or school), the code runs fine. However, when I run it on my desktop at home, I get 403 error, and the page will not load 90% of the time. However, with a DNS flush, release, and renew will usually fix the problem for the next run (ONLY ONE). Then, it will continue to stop loading my pages.
Is this a problem with Selenium, or how my network settings are configured? L