enter image description here

Here is my code (at the final stage):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace BBC_W_FCast_New_01
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Instantiate Firefox Driver
            var driver = new FirefoxDriver();

            //Using the 'Find a Forecast' search field to get the weather in 'Reading, UK'
            var user = driver.FindElement(By.Id("locator-form-search"));

            //Use "Reading, Reading" to avoid ambiguity. There is a location called Reading in USA
            user.SendKeys("Reading, Reading");

            //Click on Search button

            //Click on Table button

            //Obtaining pressure For 2100 hours today

            //Obtain pressure for 2100 Hours tomorrow

            //Subtract the two values above and then 'echo' the result in Selenium
            int val1 = Int32.Parse(driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='hourly']/div[3]/table/tfoot/tr[3]/td[16]")).Text);
            int val2 = Int32.Parse(driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='hourly']/div[3]/table/tfoot/tr[3]/td[10]")).Text);

            int difference = val1 - val2;
            System.Console.WriteLine("Difference is: " + difference);

Screen Shot Error

  • 4
    This looks like some form of homework question. It might help if you reformulated it more to show which parts you are actually stuck on. Like - can you not work out how to create a WebElement ? Commented May 15, 2017 at 14:37
  • SlightlyKosumi, thank you very much for your prompt response. I have added the code I have been able to write. In the question area above, I have also highlighted where I seem to be stuck. Thank you very much.
    – OA345
    Commented May 15, 2017 at 22:21
  • Also, for the place where I am stuck, I cannot use the Id identifier to select/identify 21:00. Instead, I am stuck with an HTML identifier. Your advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.
    – OA345
    Commented May 15, 2017 at 22:26

1 Answer 1


This seems like a homework assignment, so I'm not going to give you any code examples, but I can give you some direction.

For each of the elements on the page you want to use, you will have to find them using a locator (id/name/class/xpath) which you can find by right-clicking the element on the page and selecting 'Inspect Element' or something similar.

  • For searching, you will need to input or send values to an element. When a command is loading a page or initiates a dynamic page update, look to use dynamic waits like the following:
  • WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.‌​id("locator")));
  • For expanding, you will need to click an element.
  • For obtaining, you will need to find the element and the get the value.
    In this case, I would suggest using xpath since there isn't a better identifier. If you use Chrome, when you inspect the value, right click the value in the Elements tab of the developer tool and click 'Copy' > 'Copy Xpath'. You will also need to click on the next day (again suggest xpath) to find the Pressure for tomorrow.
  • Be sure to assign the needed values to variables so you can use them later(hint: look to get values or get text). Once you have the variables with the times, I believe you can use echo <answer here>
  • Thank you very much for your response.In the Question area, I have added the code I have been able to write. I have also highlighted where I seem to be stuck. Thank you very much. Much appreciated.
    – OA345
    Commented May 15, 2017 at 22:22
  • Also, for the place where I am stuck, I cannot use the Id identifier to select/identify 21:00. Instead, I am stuck with an HTML identifier. Your advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.
    – OA345
    Commented May 15, 2017 at 22:26
  • I've added some information to my answer. Hope it helps!
    – Swagin9
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 0:05
  • 1
    Swagin19, I have edited my code after following your directions... Much, much appreciated. I am just at the final step - of subtracting the numbers and echoing in Selenium. I know I am to use the subtract operator. For example, after declaring the variables, use x-y = Then, use the Echo command. Thanks once again.
    – OA345
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 15:46
  • 1
    Swagin9, thanks once again, and, apologies for the delay in responding. I have updated the code (after running a build of the code successfully in MS/Visual Studio. But, I am getting an error message. I would be most grateful if you could take a look, please. Thank you very much!
    – OA345
    Commented May 19, 2017 at 11:24

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