I'm having issues locating 'events' on our platform. Each time an event is created, a div card is added to the page at the end of the events. Ideally I'd like to run tests in parallel so picking up the event based on location would be difficult depending on the timing. The tooltip will change based off of the name each time.
<div class="caption__name ng-binding" uib-tooltip="Name Here">Name Here</div>
Edit - additional clickable code:
<div class="card__caption" ng-click="goToEvent(event)"><!--<div class="card__caption" ui-sref="backend.parent.event.builder.update({id: event.id})">--><div class="caption__name ng-binding" uib-tooltip="Basic Automation without companion">Basic Automation without companion</div><!-- ngIf: event.location.venue --><div class="caption__location ng-binding ng-scope" uib-tooltip="House of Blues" ng-if="event.location.venue">House of Blues</div><!-- end ngIf: event.location.venue --><!-- ngIf: !event.location.venue --><div class="caption__date ng-binding">Jul 25th 2017 - Jul 27th 2017</div></div>