Lets assume we have 5 modules in the application. Module 1 interacts with Module 2. We are in Sprint 15. In Sprint 15, there is new functionality added in Module 1. When the build of sprint 15 is deployed in QA, what must be the sequence of testing-
- Should we it be Smoke->Sanity->Functional->Regression? Considering, the answer for the above questions as yes,
- Smoke is to check the build stability where we will check crucial features of all the 5 modules. Lets say we have 3 crucial features in each module, so we will execute 15 test cases in smoke test cycle. Right?
- We will not test these 15 features in deep. Right?
- Since it is scripted, can we have smoke test suite as a standard one for each sprint? Of course, if there is any change in requirement or new feature in one sprint, then we will add/update this suite. So can we have smoke test suite as a standard one for each sprint?
- Generally how long should be a smoke test cycle? Should it be short like 3-4 Hours?
- As per point 1, we would start with Sanity testing after smoke. Sanity is not scripted and is testing the specific areas of application. So in this case of Sprint 15, we will test the major areas of Module 1 and Module 2. Right?
- So when we do Sanity testing, we will test major areas of Module 1 and 2 in deep. Right?
- Some say Sanity testing is done after retest. If that is correct, then after the bugs are fixed, we have to do a quick sanity test on areas of Module 1 and 2. As per this, the test cycle would be Smoke->Sanity->Functional->Sanity->Regression. Right?
- or based on if we have enough time we would do regression, so test cycle would be smoke->Sanity->Functional->Regression. If we do not have enough time then we would do Sanity. So test cycle would be smoke->Sanity->Functional->Sanity.
Please let me know the answers point wise and let me know if all the above points are right.