I am looking to implement the Karma/ Jasmine test suite/ framework for use with my AngularJS app.
Having never used a testing framework previously, I have followed the tutorial - to give it a go, before trying to integrate it into my existing AngularJS app.
But, when I run karma start
in the command line, although a browser window does open, I get different output in the console to what the tutorial indicates I should see...
The browser window that opens is:
As far as I can tell, I have done exactly what it says to do in each step of the tutorial, and yet, in the last step, where it shows that I should get the following output:
What I actually see is this:
The output I'm getting seems to indicate that none of my tests are being run:
... Executed 0 of 0 ERROR ...
I'm not sure why this is...?
My tests are all defined in the users.spec.js
file, with the list of users & the functions to be called defined in users.js
, as indicated in the tutorial.
The users.spec.js
file is:
describe('Users factory', function() {
var Users;
// The array of users our factory will provide us
var userList = [
id: '1',
name: 'Jane',
role: 'Designer',
location: 'New York',
twitter: 'gijane'
id: '2',
name: 'Bob',
role: 'Developer',
location: 'New York',
twitter: 'billybob'
id: '3',
name: 'Jim',
role: 'Developer',
location: 'Chicago',
twitter: 'jimbo'
id: '4',
name: 'Bill',
role: 'Designer',
location: 'LA',
twitter: 'dabill'
// The single user we expect to receive when calling findById('2')
var singleUser = {
id: '2',
name: 'Bob',
role: 'Developer',
location: 'New York',
twitter: 'billybob'
//Before each test load our api.users module
//Before each test set our injected Users factory (_Users_) to our local Users variable
beforeEach(inject(function(_Users_) {
Users = _Users_;
// A simple test to verify the Users factory exists
it('should exist', function() {
// A set of tests for our User.all() method
describe('.all()', function() {
// A simple test to verify the method all exists
it('should exist', function() {
// A test to verify that calling all() returns the array of user we hard-coded above
it('should returna hard-coded list of users', function() {
// A set of tests for our Users.findById() method
describe('.findById()', function() {
// A simple test to verify the method findById exists
it('should exist', function() {
// A test to verify that calling findById() with an id, in this case '2', returns a single user
it('should return one user object if it exists', function() {
// A test to verify that calling dindById() with an id that doesn't exist, in this case 'ABC', returns undefined
it('should return undefined if the user cannot be found', function() {
and the users.js
file is:
(function() {
'use strict';
// Creating the module and factory we referenced in the beforeEach blocks in our test file
angular.module('api.users', [])
.factory('Users', function() {
var Users = {};
var userList = [
id: '1',
name: 'Jane',
role: 'Designer',
location: 'New York',
twitter: 'gijane'
id: '2',
name: 'Bob',
role: 'Developer',
location: 'New York',
twitter: 'billybob'
id: '3',
name: 'Jim',
role: 'Developer',
location: 'Chicago',
twitter: 'jimbo'
id: '4',
name: 'Bill',
role: 'Designer',
location: 'LA',
twitter: 'dabill'
// Users.method = function() {};
Users.all = function() {
return userList;
// Defining findById to make our test pass. It doesn't need to do anything yet
Users.findById = function(id) {
// Return a single user object, as our test is expecting
return userList.find(function(user) {
return user.id === id;
return Users;
I have also included both of those files in the files: [...]
section of the karma.conf.js
files: [
What am I doing wrong/ missing here? Why is it that the tutorial indicates that I should be seeing some output from the tests, but I am not seeing any of that output?