I like the level of details and more or less how they look like — report.html and log.html files created as a result of selenium/robot tests run. What I don't like is if I run pybot several times (with different tags for example) these files gets rewritten, and I loose previous run results unless I'm running all of them as a predefined set.
I thought it would be nice to store test runs results in a database.
Are there any ready or obvious solutions for that easier than to fire up a django site to handle all that? I want to be able to see a list of available last few hours/days results and click and see details the same way I can dig in now from report.html into log.html down to the individual steps. Would be nice if it'll support multiple users + continuos integration writing results into the same database. Being able to see results from various hosts through a browser without ssh-ing into these machines seems important.