My code structure is like this:

I have four classes having ten tests and one @BeforeClass method to run before any of the tests. In each of four classes all tests are of one single group.

And I have one another class which I need to run before that @BeforeClass method in four of the tests.

How do I achieve that? Please help me.

2 Answers 2


Please try the below case, it executes both @BeforeGroups and @BeforeClass.

First create a base class name ="TestNGBase" add all @after/@Before methods here (including @BeforeClass,@BeforeGroups etc..)

And extend this class on all your main test class.


public class TestNGBase {
    boolean logToStandardOut = true;

    public void beforeSuite() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @BeforeSuite", logToStandardOut);

    @BeforeGroups(groups = "regression_test")
    public void beforeGroups() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @BeforeGroups", logToStandardOut);

    public void beforeClass() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @BeforeClass", logToStandardOut);

    public void setUp() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @BeforeTest", logToStandardOut);

    public void beforeMethod() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @BeforeMethod", logToStandardOut);

    public void afterMethod() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @AfterMethod", logToStandardOut);

    public void tearDown() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @AfterTest", logToStandardOut);

    public void afterClass() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @AfterClass", logToStandardOut);

    @AfterGroups(groups = "regression_test")
    public void afterGroups() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @AfterGroups", logToStandardOut);

    public void afterSuite() {
        Reporter.log("--------        @afterSuite", logToStandardOut);

Create new TestNGXml Class for Test Case 01:

public class TestNGxml_TS001 extends TestNGBase {
    boolean logToStandardOut = true;

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" }, priority = 1)
    public void test001() {
        Reporter.log("test001", true);

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test002() {
        Reporter.log("test002", true);

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test003() {
        Reporter.log("test003", true);

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test004() {
        Reporter.log("test004", true);

    @Test(alwaysRun = true)
    public void test005() {
        Reporter.log("test005 - always run = true", true);


TestNGXml Class for Test Case 02:

public class TestNGxml_TS002 extends TestNGBase {
    boolean logToStandardOut = true;

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test201() {
        Reporter.log("test102", true);

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test202() {
        Reporter.log("test202", true);

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test203() {
        Reporter.log("test203", true);

    @Test(groups = { "regression_test" })
    public void test204() {
        Reporter.log("test204", true);


and add a testng.xml file as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="testngsuite" verbose="1">
    <test name="testCase002">
            <class name="testngxml.TestNGxml_TS001" />
            <class name="testngxml.TestNGxml_TS002" />

The output would looks like this when we execute testng.xml file:

--------        @BeforeSuite
--------        @BeforeTest
--------        @BeforeClass
--------        @BeforeGroups
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
test005 - always run = true
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @AfterClass
--------        @BeforeClass
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @BeforeMethod
--------        @AfterMethod
--------        @AfterGroups
--------        @AfterClass
--------        @AfterTest
--------        @afterSuite

Total tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

And I have one another class which I need to run before that @BeforeClass method in four of the tests.

To achieve this you can try to do this: Just make all of the four class extend this "AnotherClass" and add @BeforeClass annotation in the constructor of this class.

Hope this will help.

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