I have been using pywinauto for automation of desktop application. This tool was fine until we started using Sciter (see https://sciter.com for more info) on some screens. Pywinauto supports Win32 API, MS UI interfaces but Sciter is HTML based UI framework, so they are not compatible.

I found the next info here https://sciter.com/forums/topic/how-to-automate-sciter-ui-is-it-supports-to-seleniumqtp-for-automation/

Sciter exposes UI Automation interfaces and IAccessible (/engine/win/win-accessible.h) so tools that know about them can be used

Can some one suggest any Python tool for automation of Sciter based desktop application? if not - any not Python tool?

Regards, Sergey

  • "UI Automation interfaces" and "MS UI interfaces" is the same API. If Sciter uses it, you have to use Application(backend="uia") from pywinauto. Are you using it? More details about backends are in the Getting Started Guide. Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 13:53

1 Answer 1


pywinauto is capable to do that.

"UI Automation interfaces" and "MS UI interfaces" is the same API. If Sciter uses it, you have to use Application(backend="uia") from pywinauto. More details about backends are in the Getting Started Guide.

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