I need to test a web application. I dont know how to do automated tests so I want to do manual tests. However I would like to do the tests with some formality and quality. For this context it seems that a good approach for manual tests is to write test cases with the test steps and the expected result and do the test manually, right?
But, for example, I already have use cases and test cases seems similar to use cases.
For example a use case to create a new post is like:
Title: Login in the system
Description: The system should allow the user to login in the sysetm using his credentials.
Ator: User
Pre-conditions: The user has an account in the system.
Trigger: The user indicates that wants to login in the system.
Success Scenario:
1- The system redirects the user to the login page.
2- The user fields the fields (e-mail and password) and submit the information;
3- The system validates the form;
4- The system starts a session for the user.
Alternative Scenarios
Invalid Email
1- The system presents an message informing that the email field was filled incorrectly
2- The flow continues in step 2 of the success scenario.
Mandatory fields not filled
1- The system presents a message informing the user that he needs to answer to the mandatory fields
2- The flow continues in step 2 of the success scenario.
Invalid credentials
1- The system presents a message informing the user that the introduced credentials were not valid.
2- The flow continues in step 2 of the success scenario.
Post-condition: The user logins in the system.
Is not possible to create a test case from this use case? Or is better create a separate test case? For example something like below, however, like below seems similar to use cases. Also like below dont have the alternative scenarios, to test if the correct error message appears for each case.
Title: Login in the system
Description: A user with an account sould be able to login in the system
Precondition: the user must already be registered in the system
Test Steps:
Navigate to the login page
In the ’email’ field the user enters his email
In the password field the user enters his password
Click the Login button.
Expected Result: The user is redirected to the homepage