I am new to Selenium Webdriver Testng and trying to Develop Data Driven framework using CSVReader
I have 5 tests in Testng and have to run those all on different environments. So basically I have to pick a different url and client, but other pages, elements remain same.
My Question is, Where do I put while loop so that it reads first line and execute all the tests and then read second line and so on.
I tried initialize CSV reader at class level, before suite, before method etc. but it throws error, it works for a particular test if I am putting inside @Test
but that doesn't resolve the purpose, I couldn't find any relevant answer on the internet.
Below is the high level code:
public class Portal1 {
WebDriver driver;
public void beforeMethod() {
public void SetUp() {
config = new Configreader();
@DataProvider(name = "TestData")
public Object [][] getData() { Object [][]
data=new Object[2][2];
return data;
@Test(dataProvider = "TestData",priority =0)
public void RI_Select_an_Employer_page(String url,String client) throws Exception {
@Test(dataProvider = "TestData",priority =1)
public void RI_Employer_Information_page(String url,String client) {
WebElement linkclient = driver.findElement(By.linkText(client));
public void tearDown(ITestResult result) {
public void tearDown() {