When i have given this answer to candidates in the past its because i feel they aren't demonstrating enough programming experience.
Quite a lot of test automation is done with tools that don't really need programming skills but are more about assembling work flows using a gui.
Such as appium and postman in particular.
Try to talk about programming concepts and ensure you use the terms correctly.
Mention objects, classes, methods, inheritance and how you have used them.
When you talk about using these tools talk about how you extended them , how you have helped others understand them and include specific details of the tools.
There is a balance here as well , don't use terms as buzzwords , demonstrate how you understand them. Ask the interviewer questions about how they use certain technologies and ask how they get round common pitfalls, this gives a good idea of what you can immediately do for them.
Show that you are interested in this stuff and not just treading water , talk about meetups you go to, talk about how you learned to code , how you invest in yourself, what you want to work on and how you like to work.
I always push myself to interview the interviewer a bit, for a testing role i always look for this confidence, you need to show inquisitiveness and not leave it to the interviewer to assume you have it. Show you can ask a useful question and demonstrate you can learn from it.