I am new to REST API Automation.

As an Automation Engineer, should I expect to get the below mentioned things as a starting point which can help me write the automation code or is it my responsibility to figure out these -

  1. API endpoints with expected inputs and outputs as part of basic documentation to understand the API's.
  2. Test Cases that need to be automated.

I would like to understand what a standard approach and process might be, and if a standard process is followed across organizations.

  • 2
    Editing and reopening - I think there is a great deal of potential value in this question
    – Kate Paulk
    Commented Feb 14, 2019 at 19:03

2 Answers 2


First off, welcome to SQA!

I just want to understand how is standard approach and process which is followed across organizations.

To be blunt, there is no standard for this. Organizations/companies define the process as they go. When something doesn't work or isn't streamlined well-enough, you try something new.

  1. REST URI's with expected inputs and outputs / basic documentation to understand the API's.
  2. Test Cases that need to be automated.

You will absolutely need number 1! RESTful services don't have a WSDL, like a SOAP-based API does. As for number 2, this is also, a "yes". You cannot automate what you do not understand.

If it were me, I would consider getting some tests running in Postman. It is very easy-to-use and would get you up-and-running much more quickly.

Hope this helps!


We had to create a API which provides Data based on a ISO-Norm. This API respone with a XML-Format & we are running automated Tests using XML-Schema-Files. So we validiate our API based on the XML-Schema which is offered by the ISO. For example: https://standards.iso.org/iso/15143/-3/AverageDailyEngineLoadFactor.xsd We download this .xsd file and validate our xml-respone based on the .xsd and so we can say it is okay or not ok

Hope this helps a little bit!

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