I've googled this on several occasions but have not found an answer to this. In our office project, we work on software development and testing. We use the following terms:
- Docking: The time when the developers are going to stop working on the code and hand it over the testers for extensive testing
- IT Builds / IT Testing: I'm not sure what this means exactly. "Internal Trial"?
- GA Builds/GA Testing: I think this is the release to world.
I'm trying to get a name for this software process that includes "docking days". I know that we're using Agile but I'm not familiar with these terminologies. Moreover, I've googled extensively for these terms and apart from "GA" I don't get much answers.
Can someone please identify the name of this process? Also, can someone please point me to some books/articles that talk about these terms in detail? I'm trying to gain an in-depth understanding of our software processes.