You Can use Wait Until Keyword Succeeds keyword .
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 4s click Element xpath=........
Here 5x
is how many times you want to execute your action and 4s
is your time duration, how frequently you want to wait until next try.
Any Many More usage below -
*** Settings ***
Library ExampleLibrary
Library 3
*** Variables ***
${HELLO} Used to test that variable name, not value, is shown in arguments
*** Test Cases ***
Fail Because Timeout exceeded
[Documentation] FAIL GLOB: Keyword 'Fail Until Retried Often Enough' failed after retrying for 100 milliseconds. The last error was: Still ? times to fail!
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 0.1 seconds 50ms Fail Until Retried Often Enough
*** Keywords ***
User Keyword
${value} = Fail Until Retried Often Enough From User Keyword
[Return] ${value}
Wait Until Inside User Keyword
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3.99 seconds 0.1 Fail Until Retried Often Enough
Timeouted UK with Wait Until KW
[Arguments] ${timeout}
[Timeout] ${timeout}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100ms 10ms Fail Error in timeouted UK
Access Nonexisting Variable
Log ${nonexisting}
Fail Should NEVER be executed
Access Initially Nonexisting Variable
Log ${created after accessing first time}
[Teardown] Set Test Variable ${created after accessing first time} created in keyword teardown
Pass with first Try
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 minutes 30 seconds Log ${HELLO}
Pass With Some Medium Try
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${42} 2 milliseconds Fail Until Retried Often Enough