How to Handle Dynamic Changing IDs inside a span In XPath? for example :
<span id="listv2_f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee_total_rows" style="margin-left: 1px;">2000</span>
In this xpath id value "f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee" is changing every time when reloading the page.
Is there any way to handle this type of situation in Selenium? Below is the outer HMTL , where I need to extract the text 2000 present in total_rows
<div class="vcr_controls">
<input aria-label="Skip to row" id="listv2_f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee_first_row" aria-describedby="f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee_description_of_skip_to" class="list_row_number_input form-control " autocomplete="off" title="" style="color:rgb(72, 85, 99); display:inline; height:21px" disabled="" data-original-title="Skip to row">
<span class="sr-only" id="f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee_description_of_skip_to">Showing rows 1 to 1 of 1</span>
<span style="margin-left: 5px;" class=" list_row_number_input ">
<span id="listv2_f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee_last_row" style="margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 1px">1</span>
<span id="listv2_f40a0e90dbcc089cae10d48a489619ee_total_rows" style="margin-left: 1px;">2000</span>