Is it ok to have a nested describe for the purpose of read ability? Example:

describe('Atlas Search ', () => {
    beforeEach(() => browser.pause(20));

    before(()=> {

    describe('When searching for items', () => {
      before(() => searchPage.searchBox.setValue('Darth'));

      it('should give 2 drop down hints', () => {

          'Star Wars - Darth Vader',
          'Star Wars - Darth Maul',
        ].forEach((assertion, i) => {
          const el = searchPage.searchHints[i+1];
          const elText = searchPage.getHintText(el);

[chrome  linux #0-0] Atlas Search
[chrome  linux #0-0]     When searching for items
[chrome  linux #0-0]        ✓ should give 2 drop down hints
[chrome  linux #0-0]
[chrome  linux #0-0] 1 passing (5.2s)

1 Answer 1


The purpose of describe is to allow BDD format:

describe('Given user logins', () => {
    describe('Given user Selects payment', () => {
        describe('Given user clicks pay', () => {
            it('Then deducts payment', () => {   


So it's perfectly fine to nest the describe. You can write steps in each describe block using beforeEach

describe('Given user logins', () => {

    beforeEach(async function() {

    describe('Given user Selects payment', () => {

        beforeEach(async function() {

        describe('Given user clicks pay', () => {
            it('Then deducts payment', () => {  


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