This question has been asked to me in an interview with a really good company.Below i will provide the question in the form of our interaction(M:me & I:interviewer).Though there is no definitive ans but I need to know what idea/answer the interviewer really wanted:
I: The scenario is you and 2 others consist of the testing team. You,the lead, are the only one who can do automation, others can do manual testing only. You have nearly 10,000 bugs that have been raised and you have 4-5 weeks or less before this product is delivered. What will you do to ensure that the product is delivered in time?
M: Filter the bugs priority wise and retest them. In the meantime keep a log about what functionalities are facing more regression and thus start automating them. Similar or related bugs will be given to others for further testing.
I: Say suppose none of the bugs have been marked with any priority. What will you do?
M:I will filter with dates.In any kind of SDLC, even the agile one, the core components are developed first, if there are core bugs, they need to be fixed first.
I:(Disapprovingly)What if a very important functionality is added in a later sprint? Also how will you make use of your team-mates and your ability to automate.
M:Along with the date, as a tester I will have to know the core & important functionalities of the product till date.So keeping that in mind will find the core areas of each sprint to work on(about team mated answered the same thing as before).
I: Say suppose, the bugs haven't been marked with the timeline of each sprint. What will you do?
M:I will search the bugs list with keywords which represent the important functionalities without which the product cannot be released. I will pick the bugs from there.
I:(Again disapprovingly) With a keyword, you will get so many results, will you go through them one by one?
M:(slowly losing hope)I will just go through the title and decide.
I:Generally titles are not so explanatory, how will you handle?
M:I will start testing the product myself and search with similar bugs that I face, rather than trying to go through bugs because I need to take decision for the product delivery.
I: So you will ignore those many bugs? Stakeholders may not agree. (After this I totally lost it and just kept on blabbering and I don't remember what else was asked.Also everywhere the management/work of the 2 other manual testers was asked)
This was an interview for Sr SDET.