I am struggling to make Cypress see my web table that is in a Shadow DOM. My test Scenario is: After I type invalid data on the search bar, e.g 'oo', Cypress ensures that the table is empty, this means that only the headers: Name and Billing Contact Name are displayed.

What I did:

  1. Installed getTable command: npm install --save cypress-get-table
  2. Included in the project’s cypress/support/index.js file: require('cypress-get-table')

This is the HTML code

HTML code

And this is my cypress code

 it('should type an invalid search', function () {
        cy.get('div.input-container').type('oo{enter}') //type oo in the search bar
//After type oo the table should be cleared

Problem is: Cypress can not find the table.
Any help is realy appreciated.

Update: I put a new picture to have the HTML code more complete. On this new one, we can see the content of the table and the im-root

enter image description here and this is the code with multiple .shadow() calls

.find('im-section:nth-of-type(2)') //second im-section
.should(function (tableData) {

With this chained .shadow() calls Cypress does not find the im-section

1 Answer 1


Firstly, in order to ensure the problem does not come from the cypress-get-table plugin, you could assert with "normal Cypress" that the table exists:


Secondly, I think the assertion you are using is incorrect - the tableData should be the variable in the assertion function, not the function itself:


Finally, your im-data-table.hydrated is itself in a shadow DOM, which you have to enter - so you have to chain multiple .shadow() calls:


    .find('...') // the im-section you're interested in



Of course, you can wrap all that code in a function.

  • tks @Cycy I got the idea. But I Cypress is still not finding im-data-table.hydrated, so I tried cy.get('im-data-table.hydrated').should('exist'), but still it is not found. Any thought?
    – IBrito
    Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 13:20
  • Beware: your im-data-table.hydrated is also in a shadow DOM. I think you have to enter every one of the shadow DOMs with the .shadow() command. I'll update the answer too.
    – Cycy
    Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 13:29
  • tks a lot for your help. I updated my question with a picture of the table when it has data and its HTML code + Cypress code with chained Shadow calls. Cypress can not find the im-section
    – IBrito
    Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 16:28
  • @IngriddBrito, the im-section is directly in the im-page div, not in its shadow DOM - maybe you just have one too much .shadow() ?
    – Cycy
    Commented Mar 15, 2021 at 17:10

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