When I worked for a CMMI level 5 company, they used a predictive approach for almost all and for that same reason metrics were very important, they were the inputs for next projects. But now, I think it is quite different (IMO). So, my question is:
Are metrics in testing still important? If the answer is yes, which ones and why?
Update: CMMI, at least five years ago, suggests a waterfall SDLC (predictive approach) in which a lot of different metrics (for all the development phases) were collected and added to a kind of corporate database for two reasons: control and to predict (estimate) effort, defects, LoC and others for the next projects.
Currently, most of us use an adaptative approach (agile) and those databases are less common. However, there are several metrics that are generated by the testing team and most of them are used just to report to managers, are not used for other projects and really few decisions are made based on them.
I´m asking because currently I don´t see a significant value on metrics (no just for testing). However, I would like to know what the testing community think about metrics. Are they important? why?