I am creating a chat application with node.js and socket.io. I want to know how many chatters my application can handle.
What I want to know is what will happen to CPU and memory on the server having 10,100,1000,10000,100000 chatters talking to each other and see if the application and server can handle this much connections. I also want to know if the messages these chatters send will be progressed as they should.
I'm testing my application with Cucumber and Selenium. With Cucumber/Selenium I could open a few browser windows and start chatting, but I guess this would not be a good solution testing it with 1000 or more chatters. Though this would be ideal to test with because I can use real scenarios.
I have also looked at ab but I am not very sure if it can test the application itself or just create a lot of connections.
What would be the best way to test and are there good tools for testing this?