Where I work we've recently made the switch to SCRUM. We've gone through the usual problem involved in such a transition from Waterfall but, overall, we now have a functional Agile/SCRUM approach.
We've gotten in the habit of writing User Stories and testing these using Acceptance Criteria in Gherkin.
Typically, a User Story will have a few Gherkin Features, each with a handful of Scenarios.
So far, this is working very well.
My question is this: Because we are now an Agile team we follow an iterative approach to Software Development. This means that Features can evolve over time. And, if a Feature changes it would only seem logical that the Acceptance Criteria for that Feature be kept up to date.
How do Agile teams manage Software projects with dozens of Features and hundreds or even thousands of Acceptance Criteria (in our case, Gherkin Scenarios)?
We currently store our AC in Feature Files but it's become increasingly difficult to find which Scenarios need to change when a Feature changes. This is mainly due to the fact the these Feature changes are logged as new User Stories in our Issue Tracking system. What is the recommended approach here? Are there tools to link Scenarios and Features to Use Stories defined in Issue Tracking software?