I have found this question here on SQA. However I'd like to make my question more specific with hope that someone could point me to something relevant rather than just wasting hours on learning the other tools just to discover that they are not fit for my purposes. So my needs are fairly basic:
- I have an environment with many different applications which are interconnected in various ways. Some through SOAP UI, some share a DB, etc..
- Some of the applications are web interfaces, some of them just locally installed GUI front-ends.
- I only need to test the interconnectivity of the applications rather than making too much focus on a specific one design and features.
- I do need to be able yo access and login to all of these applications and perform basic "button clicks" and "fields filling" tasks.
- The verification will be verifying certain fields (on web apps and guis).
Are there any tools which are able to give me such functionality?
P.S. If my explanation here is still to vague, please feel free to comment and I will emphasize.