IN HP QC 10, I'm looking to find all tests that have not had their design steps altered in the last 6 months. Having trouble finding the correct table and query to do this..... Thanks,
1 Answer
You want to use the DESSTEPS table, grouping by test ID. You can join this on the TEST table to get details on the test
SELECT DS_TEST_ID, max(ds_vts)
FROM DESSTEPS s inner join TEST t on s.DS_TEST_ID = t.TS_TEST_ID
group by DS_TEST_ID
having max(ds_vts) < DATEADD(month,-6,GETDATE()) --6 months ago
I hope you don't mind but I suggested an update as the OP was asking for tests that have not been edited in the last 6 months this should be < instead of >=. +1 for the solution– HarrisonCommented Jan 30, 2014 at 21:34