Now that Jmeter has a webdriver sampler, is there anything that regular selenium can do to test a UI, that Jmeter still can't?
For example, I use Selenium in Java to do things like getting html attributes of an element element.getAttribute("title");
and waiting for conditions up to a maximum time
Wait<WebDriver> customWait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver)
.withTimeout(15L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.pollingEvery(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
switching between windows, and more.
I've seen some example code for the Webdriver sampler here:
But it doesn't show how to accomplish tasks like the above - only how to send keys and click on elements.I can't find any documentation online regarding how to use the Webdriver sample to accomplish tasks like the above and others.
Is it possible to do these using Jmeter's webdriver sampler?
Besides these examples, what are other things you can do in Selenium, which Jmeter's webdriver sampler can't yet do?