I want to check, whether a background that was grey turned into black. Usually I wait for changes of attributes like this:

Aliases.MyApp.BtnCalculationType.WaitProperty("Enabled", "True", 9999999);


Aliases.MyApp.BtnCalculationType.WaitProperty("Fill.Color.B", "0", 9999999);

does not work. What to do instead?

  • What exactly does "does not work" mean? Are you getting any error messages?
    – Helen
    Commented Sep 30, 2013 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


Firstly, the Fill.Color.B property value is a number, not a string, so you need to remove quotes around 0:

Aliases.MyApp.BtnCalculationType.WaitProperty("Fill.Color.B", 0, 9999999)

Secondly, Fill.Color.B is the color's blue component. You may need to also check the red, green and alpha components. To do this, you need to use a custom comparison instead of WaitProperty (WaitProperty doesn't support checking multiple properties at once). For example:

// JScript
var btn = Aliases.MyApp.BtnCalculationType;
while ((btn.Fill.Color.B != 0) || (btn.Fill.Color.R != 0) || (btn.Fill.Color.G != 0))

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